others may have wine, i have poetry

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute.

We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.

And the human race is filled with passion.

And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.

But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

Dead Poet's Society

Monday, March 17, 2008

a poem on a tissue - the aftermath

months have paseed
i've run out of tissues
I've grown out of tears
and i've stopped hoping
that i'll ever see you here

whether i write poems on tissues
or etch them into your heart
it isn't going to make a difference
you are still going to be apart

you've caused me pain
and taken all the hope away
but i've learnt a
few lessons along the way

i've learnt that expectations
only lead to hurt
and sometimes it isn't so wrong
to be short and curt
i've learnt that pain
is hard to let go
but it isn't my fault
that i love you so?

i've learnt not to put much
into the ralationship
than the other person does
i've learnt to accept things
and stop making a fuss

i've learnt that
you can only love people
you can'r get them to love you back
but there is nothing to be ashamed about
it isn't anything you lack

there is only so much you can do
you can only inititate conversations
you can only take the first step
to start the communication
and if they stil can't
see the things the way you see
get the message
it is just not meant to be

I've learnt that time doesn't heal
it doesn't erase the hurt you feel
it just gives you other things to do
keeps you going, even if you don't want to

people have often told me
that i love people way more than
what they deserve
but i don't think it's a crime
to love without reserve

i don't know know if its false
don't know if its true
all i know is - loving completelely
is the only kind of loving i do!!

out of the blue

there is thunder in the air
wonder who is having a row up there?
wonder what the row's about?
that is making someone scream and shout?
is it about the presedential debate?
is someone fighting over the earth's fate?

there is intense lightning in the air
wonder who is flashing such anger up there?
did a couple up there just break up?
are friends finding it hard to make up?

there is such heavy rain
wonder who is crying out in vain
who is feeling such pain?
wonder who is going so insane?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

morning blues, views

early mornings..used to be almost alien
now they've become part of my daily routine
i used to sleep away into oblivion
now i wake up before the sun rises above the horizon

i'm not exactly complaining
because it is a an interesting feeling
to be awake when the world around you is asleep
each minute seems longer,silence seems more deep

its refreshing.... the purity in the air
when the morning fills with the mosque's prayer
the birds start chriping, all up for the day
into the infinite skies they find their way

in the neighbouring house an alram rings
followed by ear splitting noises and screams
unwillingly people get up from their bed
with the days mileu filling up their heads

the newspaper boy comes with hot news
people gather to gossip..um share views
one by one all the hawkers start arriving
and the world is up on its feet and cracking

and all along a girl sits in front of her computer
and writes this poem in her blog
she writes about morning blues and her views
when she is supposed to study..and slog!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

DEADlines are called that for a reason!!

doesn't the word say it all
that if you aren't going to meet it
might as well go hit your head against the wall
the closer you are to the deadline
i assure you things get worse
they just keep deteriorating
it is almost like some kinda curse

thats when you comp will hang up
your internet will stop working
thats when you'll get a writer's block
just when the end is lurking

deadline are called that for a reason
you better get that into you head
if you are not going to meet it
you are going to be so dead