others may have wine, i have poetry

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute.

We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.

And the human race is filled with passion.

And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.

But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

Dead Poet's Society

Monday, August 11, 2008

anchor in life

my shoulder is still wet
with the tears of a friend
I am glad that my ahoulder
to rest upon i could lend

everyone needs somebody
to hold on to in life
someone to share the joy
and all the internal strife
a ship needs its anchor
people need them too
to get a grip and
prevent things from going askew
to help you stay on surface
someone to lend a ear
a friend, family, a pet
or anyone you consider near

but this wretched world
with its permanent structures
and temporary lives
where before one problem departs
the other one arrives

to depend outside for an anchor
may temporarily reduce chagrin
but for a more stable existence
let the anchor be within


lavina said...

its just how i felt and you penned it down so beautifully in words
thank you

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

awww, thats a really nice poem

Yeah, we do need the anchor somewhere in the gut..cuz looking at the way things are going, im afraid ill be single all my life !!

If you think im being pessimistic, see what happened to me an hour back
i went to this race club thingy - bhangra night.. for dinner ..they called people to dance on stage, me the idiot went up with my cousin.. there, this really cute guy eyed me twice, then he moved toward me and then passed me by and asked another bunch of girls to dance with his gang. i was left thinking, left shoe or right shoe :(

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

awww, thats a really nice poem

Yeah, we do need the anchor somewhere in the gut..cuz looking at the way things are going, im afraid ill be single all my life !!

If you think im being pessimistic, see what happened to me an hour back
i went to this race club thingy - bhangra night.. for dinner ..they called people to dance on stage, me the idiot went up with my cousin.. there, this really cute guy eyed me twice, then he moved toward me and then passed me by and asked another bunch of girls to dance with his gang. i was left thinking, left shoe or right shoe :(

Anonymous said...

that poem was really beautifully penned down...i can only say ........ WOW !!!!!

supernova said...

yeap even im of the opinion that a support system ought to be created internally. sure friends r always there for u n everything , bt there are those tryin moments when u need to boost urself r better still console urself .

a case in pt: wt if u find urself gettin up in the middle of the nite in response to those pangs of distress in u ( ahem ahem) . it's only practical to slap urself hard again n again till ur senses r back and then hit the bed again.


Nithya said...

lol vino..i will try your method definitely...