others may have wine, i have poetry

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute.

We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.

And the human race is filled with passion.

And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.

But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

Dead Poet's Society

Thursday, July 3, 2008

just felt like that

i'm feeling very vulnerable today
all i want to do is hug you
i want you to wrap your arms around me
and just keep holding me tight
i want to feel the warmth of your body
and feel your heart beat against mine

and then just shut the world out
and sink into your body and drown in your soul
alas if you only knew
how much i want you


Manasa. K .Kumar said...

hmmmm. :)

when you marry him and have kids tell me ok ?

Juhi said...

gulp!i..i don't know what to say...it feels like you've written abt me!:((

Nithya said...

ju you and me are in the ame place..but i didn't write this abt you..no i just wrote wt i was feeling at that moment..kind of a catharisis actually..the whole piece is pretty raw though

Nithya said...

ans manasa you arse..i don't have any hope/chance of getting married to him so having kids factor is ruled out..not that the latter is depended on the former but me ain't that sort a girl..atleast not yet..hmmm

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

Lol, sigh.. fine ill keep praying we find guys soon and dont become ultra despos!