others may have wine, i have poetry

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute.

We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.

And the human race is filled with passion.

And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.

But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

Dead Poet's Society

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Loneliness surrounds me
In loneliness I breathe

It is painted on my walls
and tiled on my floor
It flows from the taps
and it grows on the trees

It breeds around me
It is all I see
It is all I feel

It walks on the roads
and it flies in the skies

With every second on the clock
loneliness ticks on...

Monday, December 7, 2009

all girls

There are girls on the walls
And girls on the floor
Girls by the window and girls on the door
The place is teeming with girls everywhere
Some girls over her and more over there

Girls reading books,
girls in every corner
And girls in every nook

Perfumes, long hair, gossip, frivolous laughter
Fake smiles, air kisses, high shrieks
Handbags, slippers, rubber bands
Clutches, clips, bangles, bracelets
Pink, orange, purple, yellow

Girls all happy
Girls in tears
Girls over here
And girls over there
Girls in the canteen
Girls in the library
Girls are all I get to look at
Girls are all that look at me

Breasts bouncing, waists swaying, hair flicking
High levels of estrogen in the air

Being in a girl’s college makes me sick
Being in a girl’s college makes me the opposite of a feminist
Being in a girl’s college makes me want to kill myself

Sunday, October 25, 2009

3 yrs later

3 years later
i jus spent 15 minutes
convincing the man at the door that you're dead
but where does he live - that twit asked
ha..i wish I knew I said

Where are you dad?
And how've you been?
What have you heard?
and what have you seen?

Do you often look down
and wonder what we're up to?
Do you get bored
and wish we were there too?

Do you think the choices I made are right?
Do you think I'll be okay?
Do you see me cry for you in the nights?

Its been three years now,
thirty won't make a difference
its still as hard, still as difficult
to get used to you not being here

Mom's a darling, she's always been
Stronger than anything I've ever seen
She misses you like crazy
You can see it in her eyes
And her smile hasn't been the same
since the day you left us by

We get by somehow,
its not like there is another option
The future scares us,
the present despairs us
We don't try and reason
And we don't ask any questions

Its been terrible without you
thats how it'll always be
Now and then look down here
And smile a smile for me...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

yet somehow

I am living, I am breathing
and yet somehow I am not

This existence has no purpose
apart from the mundane ones

I am groping for something deeper
something more real
Anything substancial
and not superficial

I am yearning for truth
I am searching for answers

I am asking no questions
I am taking no chances

I am living because I breathe
I am breathing because I live

And yet somehow
I am doing neither

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am making new friends
I am leaving the old behind
I am listening to my heart
Yet following my mind

I am learning to move on
I am trying to stay still
I am not going anywhere
I don't know if I will

I am scared of being tired
I am tired of being scared
I realise I'm walking backwards
While trying to run ahead

I am not sure if I can lead
And I don't want to walk with you
If I don't want to follow either
What on earth am I supposed to do?

Sunday, July 26, 2009


There was in a girl in class with curly hair
The long,luscious kind thats rare
The next day in class this girl was gone
She was now a straight haired clone

My friend is trying to become thin
so that she be the size thats in
Her curves are gone, her skin is pale
once a flower, she now looks stale

I look around at the world around me
Influenced by things so easily
Following so blindly what others say
or looking like them in a particular way

Trying so hard to be someone you are not
losing decency and dignity just to look 'hot'
think - In this race to do whats 'in',
aren't we losing the person within?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

for love's sake only

If you do ever fall in love with me
Fall in love for love's sake only
Love me because you can't do anything but
Let the problem,cause and solution be love
love me like you breathe, naturally
love me because it feels right
Don't love me 'for' or 'beacuse' of something
Love me beacuse you love me

Don't love me bacause I sing sweetly
For this voice I may lose
Don't love me beacuse I'm pretty
For that chapter may close
Don't love me beacuse I'm independent
for one day I might depend on you
Don't love me because I know you
For one day I might forget that too
Don't love me because you can comfort me
For one day I may grow strong
Don't love me because i do whats is right
For one day I may go wrong
Don't love me because of the way I think
for I often lose my mind
Don't love me because we're similar
For I might take a diffreent path and not mind
Don't love me because I'm different
because there may be others my kind

Love me not for what I am but despite it
Love me not for what I have but whats left after it

Love me because you love me
And because of love only
Love me for love,my love
for that is the way I love you...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A pathetic attempt at saying goodbye

you'd think transfering thought into words should be easy (for me)
but when it comes to you, i just fail miserably
where am I supposed to start when I don't want it to end
do i hide my tears, put on a happy face and pretend?
what words can't describe and numbers can't quantify
what photos can't capture and treaties can't ratify
what singers can't sing and intruments can't play
is how this relationship has been the whole way

when I am with you
I have so much fun
when I am with you
I suddenly get pun
when I am with you
I learn new words
when I am with you
I go to new worlds
when I am with you
I get the funny side
when I am with you
my worries cast aside
when I am with you
I feel inspired
When I am with you
i never get tired
when I am with you
I see things clearly
when I am with you
I can be me

you read me heart,
heck you know it by heart
you hold my hand
I don't have to ask you to understand

you know when i need a shoulder to cry on
you know when to leave me alone
you know when I need a slap back to realty
you shower me with priase yet crtique me openly

the more I attempt to describe it, the harder it gets
my heart goes tight and my eyes go wet
I have nothing to say here that you don't already know
told everything there is to tell,shown everything there is to show

you know parts of me that i never will
you say so much by just keeping still

And now you are going away
and I have no clue what to say
it would be unfair to ask you to stay
for never would i want to be in the way

you've been a friend, you've been a mate
you've been a sister, you are my soulmate
To see you walking away is a sight I hate
but who are we to hold back the hands of fate

With all the material things you carry with you
you also take away moments of bliss
you seal them into one word and call them memories
little do you realize that you also take a part of me

so fare thee well my friend ,
have a glorious life ahead
go better the world with the ideas in your head
and heres is wishing you bliss both in and out of bed (lol)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This chapter ends here
I'm writing the last words
The cage is open finally
And there fly out the birds

Birds of burden
Birds of pain
Birds of doubt
Birds of vain
Birds of denial
Birds of hate
Birds of anger
Birds of trait
Birds of sadness
Birds of ache
Birds of indifference
Birds of mistake

They'd become so much a part
They'd nestled in my heart
But I'm letting them go
Into the infinite skies
I'm letting them go coz
Birds were born to fly

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

life's a stage

You are perfect in ways you’ll never know
I love you with every fiber of my being
And every breathe of my existence
It is irrational how much I feel for you
I know you’re never going to feel the same
And yet I continue to love you

All you want to be is friends
And you play that role perfectly well
You are there for me when I need
And listen to me patiently
You play your role really well
I have no complaints

I just wish you'd play a different role
or that this were a different "play"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

decision making

the need to take a decision
is weighing me down
it sits heavy upon my head
refuses to get down
the choices are aplenty
so are the pros and cons
i understand each well
but can't narrow one down
this seems better than that
but then there is something else
trying to pick one is virtual hell

Saturday, April 4, 2009

a diamond in the dust

I met a man yesterday
one unlike I've met before
he didn't look extaordinary
but he was an inspiration galore
a man who spoke from his heart
and got me to think
a man who held my attention rapt
woah..I didn't even blink
in this world so mundane
I met a soulful man
in this crazy game we play
I met a man who was still sane
A man without the usual airs
A ray of truth in this world of liars
a man who didn't let his brain rust
yes I met "a diamond in the dust"

Sunday, March 29, 2009


numbed by reality
taunted by the truth
threatened by imperfections
cajolled by promises
stiffled by my conscience
aphyxiated by words
galvanized by emotions

existing because I do

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dark but not down

I'm dark

I'm Daring
I'm Affectionate
I'm Resplendent
I'm Kind

I'm dark, just like the inky sky
Maybe not seen in the day
But with moon and stars that shine
At night and make a sight- divine

I'm dark, like the ebony coal
To spread warmth, I enkindle my soul
But that's just one part of me
One day a glittering diamond I'll be

I'm dark like soil - the elixir
Both birth and death, I nurture
I'm the crux of all existence
And core of human subsistence

I'm dark like the vortex of fire
I'm dark like words that inspire
I'm dark like luscious black hair
I'm dark like life that’s not 'fair'

I'm dark, I'm filled with light inside
I'm dark and in it I take pride
If I weren't dark what would I be?
If I weren't dark I wouldn't be me..

P.S I wrote this from the point of view of somebody else

Thursday, February 19, 2009


life's full of twists and turns
and I stand on one such turn today
I'm leaving behind everything known
I have to go my own way
It is by no means simple or easy
but it is something i just have to do
I'm not sure what my destination is
But i have to walk..i have to go
I gather up all the moments together
'Memories' they are called now
We try not to cry as we leave
and we promise to meet somehow
we take pictures, fill slam books
we'll never loose touch we say
Of course we mean it
of course we'll try
but who is to tell
what will come by

So here is to you friend
I raise a toast..
For just being you and letting me be me
for everything that was shared as "we"
I can't promise to stay in touch
But I promise to never move apart
for meet we never may again
but you'll stay forever in my heart.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

mid sea

you put me on the boat, stayed there
you always rowed,we moved towards the shore
you always had control over the oars
I just got so used to sitting here
and so used to you just being there
never worried about the destination
I left it all upto you
yes maybe i took it all for granted

I never fretted about the rain or the storm
I had complete faith in you
but then suddenly you left one day
and awam away towards the shore
I don't know where you went
but you did leave me. You did
Maybe you didn't mean it..but you left
maybe it wasn't your fault, but you left
and I was left all on my own
with no idea about what to do
I didn't know to row
and I hadn't learnt to swim
I held on for life had to move on
and over time I learnt to row
it was hard then, it is hard now
and it just gets harder each day
and when i sleep at night
I don't know if I can row at dawn

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

getting over you

i've done all the things
that I should do
everything they said
that'd help me get over you

I've tried anger
I've tried indifference
yet nothing I've done
has made much of a difference

heard all kinds of songs
read all kind of stuff
written everything down
but this is really tough

nothing I do stops me
from thinking about you a zillion times a day
wishing you were here to drive my blues away
wondering how it would've been if things hadn't gone astray
I can't help but think about you every step along the way

Saturday, January 10, 2009


is so starnge
so still
so final
so irreversible
so gut wrenching
so blatant
so unfathomable
so incomprehensible
so unnnerving
so ovewhelming
so cold
so intimidating
so numbing
so quiet
so loud

is such a slap on the soul
and vaccum in the heart


is so peaceful
for those who embrace it
and anything but
for those who embrace them

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


i take it all in
and then i let it all go
i'm trying to try
i'm going with the flow
i'm not trying to make sense
i'm not bothering to rationalize
just taking things as they come
and tryin not to sensationalize

my poetry is all i have
its all i hold on to
it is all i feel
and all i see
it is all i try to be
i know it isn't fantabulous
but atleast its "me"..
as much a part
as this heart
and soul...